Fall Semester, 2023

Final Update: 2023/09/06 (to be updated frequently throught the semester)

M1498.003000 (001) 3 credits

Wed 14:00-16:50 | Room 508, Building 39

Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, SNU

Instructor: 강범준 Bumjoon Kang (39-501)

[email protected] | https://bumjoon.github.io | https://laus.snu.ac.kr/

<aside> 💡 This course is designed for undergraduate students in their 3rd-year or above in the Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering. Students are expected to have language fluency to understand technical and professional documents written in Korean. 본 강의 수강자는 배경지식 확보 및 과제 수행을 위해 한국어 기술문서 독해능력을 갖추고 건축학과 3학년 이상의 전공지식을 갖추고 있어야 합니다. (내년부터는 혼선 여지를 없애기 위하여 공식적으로 한국어 강의로 변경할 예정임)


<aside> 📢 To schedule an in-person meeting, email me or visit the above website and go to ‘Contact’ page. Make sure that have your email TITLE include “도시와 주거” or “Urbanism and Housing” not to be filtered as a spam email.


📫 Read how to write a business email here: 비즈니스 이메일 쓰는 법

Course Objectives

Students will study theories, history, and contemporary issues in urbanism and housing planning in South Korea. Housing developments, new towns, urban renewal projects, historic civic center debates, and other urban issues will be introduced and discussed in their social contexts. Students will be develop their own critical perspectives on urbanism and housing in South Korea. This course consists of lectures, field study, and students’ research project.

🧠 Main Topics (including belows but not limited to):
